Bitchiness is not a Crime

Just another woman who try to look wise

The apple bucket, continued!

Last night I had a chat with several friends, different time and of course virtually (since that is the world I currently in).
I got some nice material to write on, but let’s save that for next time.
For this is a continuation of my previous blog.
At lunch hour, I went for coffee and cigarette with a colleague of mine, and suddenly out of the blue we’re talking about love, men, marriage… you know, all the boring stuffs that we seems can’t get over it.
This colleague of mine tries to convinced me that I should just got married to a friend of mine, and she tries really hard to make me say yes I do… to think that the guy doesn’t even ask me 😛
She agrees with me that the world we’re living now, especially Indonesia, is not suitable for my way of thinking, so I should just settle with the next best thing.
(I remember clearly that I was so much like her when I was her age, I thought that I had life figured out – boy, was I wrong!)
The bottom line is that she believe that I should take less smarter men to keep me company… she said that I would be happier to be able to dominate that guy (huh?? Am I in ‘World Domination’ game???), she really believes that a man far smarter than I am, will not make me happy, in fact I will feel miserable with him.
Well… some people thinks that they know what’s best for others (right mas Haniifa? ;)), to think that I don’t even yet know what is best for me, unfortunately, the Almighty still keeps it as a surprise for me 
Anyway, after that in the afternoon I had a chat with an old friend who I’ve just met again after some years in a wedding. So he decides to drop me a buzz on my messenger. We talk and talk… (what I do best at the moment), and what was insightful of that conversation was… that I realised that when I first know him, I wasn’t like this! I keep my opinions well hidden and shows a ‘normal girl behaviour’. Of course all of these kinds of thinking were already there in my head back then, but I was so afraid to say it out loud…
He seems a bit surprise to me, and that reaction makes me think! All this time you people tried to talk me to change and be ‘normal’… but I was! And I wasn’t happy back then and I didn’t feel content at all. Yo people! I’ve changed! And back then, I didn’t find any man who can make go ‘Ooohh… Aaahh…’. So why this time be different?
Well if back then they think of me as a pretty face with less brain, at least now they think of me as a smart-ass biatch… I can live with that! 
You know what?! In fact I’ve change in every second I live. Either physique, or mentally, or even emotionally… and I do enjoy this changes… (though I whine a lot) the things I learn from life, not only mine, but also others… are extremely exciting…

June 4, 2009 - Posted by | B*tching, In between, Life in General, Women


  1. You seem to be a cool independent girl so don’t settle for the next best thing!

    Comment by divushka | June 8, 2009 | Reply

    • Well… settle for the next best thing?
      It is not going to be my present choice!
      I can’t say I wont do it later in my life… we are after all, need to compromises things in life 🙂

      (never say never, they said)

      Comment by hapitri | June 9, 2009 | Reply

  2. In your eyes I see the sun shine It’s so bright that they can’t see adn “bla.bla.bla” is so much stronger ;(

    Comment by haniifa | June 17, 2009 | Reply

    • opo tho?
      mboten ngertos aku….

      Comment by hapitri | June 17, 2009 | Reply

      • Sing jelas avarnya baru… hehehe 😀

        Comment by haniifa | June 18, 2009

      • heheehee… bosan sm yg lama 😉

        Comment by hapitri | June 20, 2009

  3. Really interesting!!!
    Obama may ask for changing, but does he change his identity, his objectives? of course no… but others.
    Does he wish to change the culture, social values or environment? I don’t think so… may be the “world”.

    We all expected to change to a better world but we supposed to preserve our culture, social values and environment.

    Dan sesungguhnya apa sih “dunia” ini? entahlah….
    semuanya serba relatif…..

    Bagi sang kodok, mungkin dibalik tempurung dimana ia mendekam sepanjang hayat… inilah dunia.
    Bagi bangau yg gantungkan hidupnya di sawah dan rawa-rawa…. itulah dunia…
    Bagi politisi…. kekuasaan dan pemerintahan, mungkin itulah dunia…
    Saya pribadi…… ketenteraman hati dan ketenangan hidup… itulah dunia…..

    Dunia, menurut saya terdapat di dalam hati setiap individu sehingga untuk mengubah “dunia”, maka mutlak harus mengenal “diri” dan “hati” kita sendiri.
    Dalam hal ini yg dimaksud “diri” adalah perpaduan antara “intelektual” dan “emosional” kita, sementara “hati” adalah perpaduan antara “nurani” dan “spiritual belief” kita.

    Maka dari itu “mengubah dunia” adalah mengubah perspektif dan tolok ukur kebahagiaan yg selama ini berperan sbg acuan hidup kita. Perubahan yg proporsional adalah tercapainya keselarasan antara “diri” dan “hati”. bagaimana caranya…..? be realistic and compromise to yourself…. kaleee…

    (pura-pura jadi Batman nih hihihi… ga malu yah?)

    Comment by Irawan Danuningrat | August 5, 2009 | Reply

    • hahaha… my own personal sophist 😀
      how do you know that Obama hasn’t changed?
      have you known him before or can you predict the future?
      indeed we are living in a ‘relative’ world… (maybe we can use Einstein’s relativity theory for life:P)

      But I believe you are correct, we all living in our own world that we believe is true… but doesn’t hold true for all…

      Comment by hapitri | August 8, 2009 | Reply

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